Friends, if you want to know about Yashbiz company and are searching What is Yashbiz or Yashbiz Company Details in English then this article is for you.
Today in this article, I will give you detailed information about Yashbiz Company, in which you will know what is Yashbiz , what is the profile of this company, what are the products in this company and what is its business plan etc.
So friends, if you want to get complete information about Yashbiz Marketing, then definitely read this article till the last, I promise you that after reading this article completely, you will get to know about Yashbiz Marketing Private Limited Company and anywhere else. There will be no need to go, in this article you will get all the information related to Yashbiz Company. So friends, without delay, now come directly to the topic and know about Yashbiz Company Details in English.
What is Yashbiz Company ?

Yashbiz is an Indian Network Marketing Company, its full name is Yashbiz Marketing Private Limited and its official website is This company was registered in the year 2018 under MCA and its headquarter is located in Ahmedabad city of Gujarat. Presently there are two directors present in this company namely Yash Rameshchandra Patel and Ramesh Sombhai Patel.
Being a Network Marketing Company, any person can join Yashbiz Marketing Company as its Direct Seller and earn money by selling Yashbiz Products.
After becoming a direct seller in Yashbiz Company, two major things have to be done, first is to make people join Yashbiz Company and second is to buy and sell Yashbiz Products.
Yashbiz Profile
Date of Incorporation | 24/04/2018 |
CIN | U51909GJ2018PTC102007 |
ROC Code | RoC-Ahmedabad |
Registration Number | 102007 |
Customer Care Number | (+91) 76008 38412 | | |
Website | |
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Yashbiz Products
Yashbiz Marketing Private Limited is a product base direct selling company with 80+ products in various categories including Health Care, Oral Care and Agriculture Products.
All its products are in MRP but those who become direct seller in Yashbiz company get this product in PV and Yashbiz direct seller gets income on the basis of PV transaction.
Talking about Yashbiz Products Price, its products are very expensive than the products available in the market, although those who become direct sellers of Yashbiz company, they definitely get a little discount because they get MRP products in PV, which is at a discount rate from MRP. It happens.
Yashbiz Products Categories
- health care
- oral care
- cosmetics
- agriculture
- cattle feed
- Color Cosmetic
- Food & Beverage
- Cleaning
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Yashbiz Business Plan
Yashbiz company works on network marketing plan, in which if you become a direct seller then you have to do two major things, first you have to join other people as your downline in Yashbiz company and second is Yashbiz from them Products will have to be purchased from which you will get commission, and not only your sales but when your downline will also sell Yashbiz Products, then you will get commission on the sales made by them and in this way as you get more people to join you.
In the same way, your commission also becomes more in Yashbiz company because the more your team, the more you earn. So friends, Yashbiz Business Plan works in this way. Now let’s understand its income plan, in which ways you can earn income in Yashbiz Marketing Company.
Yashbiz Income Plan

In Yashbiz Company, you can get 4 types of income.
- Business Matching Incentive
- royalty income
- generational income
- retail income
1. Business Matching Incentive
To get this income, you must have minimum two direct downlines in Yashbiz company, because this income is available on the basis of business matching of your left and right team.
In this, your business is counted on a daily basis but you get income in a week.
That is, within a week, whatever business is matched in your left and right, you get commission and the business that is saved is carried forward, that is, that remaining business will count in the business of the next week. It happens.
Like suppose your right team has business of 500 PV and left team has business of 750 PV i.e. 500 PV is matching from both left and right side then you will get Rs 400 because 1 PV = Rs 0.9 And the left side’s 250 PV which is left, so now this remaining business will be counted next week.
Suppose next week you do 1250 PV business from right side and 750 PV business from left side then last week left side 250 PV will be counted this week means now your left side total business is 1000 PV Has happened and the business of 1250 PV on the right side means that 1000 PV is matching from both the left and right side, then you will get a commission of Rs.900.
Right | Left | ||
Week 1 | 500 PV | 750 PV | 1 PV = Rs. 0.9 /- |
Matched PV | 500 PV | 500 PV | 500 PV = Rs. 400 /- |
Balance PV | 0 PV | 250 PV | |
Week 2 | 1250 PV | 750 PV | |
Total PV | 1250 PV | 1000 PV | |
Matched PV | 1000 PV | 1000 PV | 1000 PV = Rs. 900 /- |
Balence PV | 250 PV | 0 |
So friends, in this way, whatever business you do in a week, you get income for the matching business from both the sides and the business of the side which is left, is carried forward.
But in this, your daily basis business also depends on your status in Yashbiz company, because you can do as much business as your status and limit in Yashbiz company. What you can see in this table.
SN | Status | Self Purchase | Daily Capping |
1 | Silver | 250 PV | 1000 PV |
2 | Gold | 500 PV | 2000 PV |
3 | Platinum | 750 PV | 3000 PV |
4 | Diamond | 1000 PV | 4000 PV |
If you buy 250 PV products to join Yashbiz company, then your status becomes Silver and you can do business up to 1000 PV daily.
By purchasing a product of 500 PV, your status is Gold and with this you can do business up to 2000 PV daily.
By purchasing a product of 750 PV, your status is Platinum and with this you can do business up to 3000 PV daily.
On purchasing a product of 1000 PV, your status becomes Diamond and with this you can do daily business up to 4000 PV.
2. Royalty Income
Yashbiz company provides a special income to its Diamond Distributor called Royalty Income.
To get this income, Diamond Distributor is required to do business of 11,000 PV through his 11 Different Teams and Yashbeej Company distributes 3% of the entire company turnover PV among all Diamond Distributors who qualify this condition.
- This income is for Diamond Distributor only.
- This income is to be received in a month.
- Closing Time: The business volume is calculated from the 1st of the month to the 2nd of the month.
- Active business is calculated after excluding all the business canceled or refunded within a month.
- Company can also change or modify this royalty income.
3. Generation Income
This income is available on the basis of your 20th generation product purchase in Yashbiz company and it is equally distributed in 20 levels.
1 PV = Rs 2.5 is made in Generation Income.
Suppose a person from your 20th generation buys 150 PVs, then it will make 150 × 2.5 = Rs.375.
Then this 375 will be distributed equally in 20 levels i.e. 375 ÷ 20 = 18.75 rupees will be distributed in each level.
Understand this with another example, suppose 1000 people from your 20th generation bought 150 PV i.e. 1000 × 150 = 150000 PV, then it will be 150000 × 2.5 = 3,75,000 rupees.
Now this 3,75,000 rupees will be distributed in 20 levels i.e. 3,75,000 ÷ 20 = 18,750 rupees will be distributed in each level and you will also get 18,750 rupees.
- To get this income, all IDs should be activated with Diamond.
- To get this income, it is mandatory to purchase a product of minimum 150 PV.
4. Retail Profit
In Yashbeej company, you can take profit of 10% to 20% by direct retailing its products.
When you become a direct seller of Yashbeej Company, you get its MRP product in PV, which is at a discount rate of 10% to 20% from MRP. Which you can sell in MRP and earn profit.
For example, suppose the price of a Yashbiz product is Rs 100 in MRP, but when you become a direct seller of Yashbiz company, you will get the same product for Rs 80, that means you have saved Rs 20.
Now you can use it if you want or else you can take advantage of Rs.20 by selling it at MRP.
In this way you can buy any Yashbiz Products in PV and retail them in MRP and earn profit up to 10% to 20%.
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So friends, this was the Yashbiz Business Plan, from which you can get these 4 types of income.
Yashbiz FAQ

Where is Yashbiz company?
Yashbiz Marketing Private Limited is an Indian direct selling company headquartered in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Who is the owner of Yashbiz company?
There are two Directors present in Yashbeej Company named Ramesh Sombhai Patel and Yash Rameshchandra Patel, they founded this company in the year 2018.
How much are Yashbiz Products?
Yashbeej Company has 80+ products which include products of many categories including Health Care, Oral, Cosmetic and Agri Culture.
How much does it cost to join Yashbiz company?
You can register for free in Yashbiz company, but to work as a direct seller in this, you will have to buy minimum 250 PV of Yashbiz Products.
What is it like to work in Yashbiz company?
After becoming a direct seller in Yashbiz Company, people have to join with them and they have to buy Yashbiz Products.
How much money can be earned from Yashbiz Marketing company?
Yashbiz Marketing Pvt Ltd is a direct selling company, in this there is no fixed salary of any kind, but when you sell Yashbiz Products then you get commission. Now it depends on you that how much you can earn from Yashbeej company.
In this article, I have given you detailed information about Yashbiz Company Details in English, in which you should know what Yashbiz is and what is its plan, profile and product. Friends, I hope that now you have come to know about Yashbiz Marketing Pvt Ltd Company very well, friends, if you like this article, then definitely share it with others so that they too can know about Yashbiz Business Plan.